Regulation 14 consultation, the first formal stage of consultation, opened 25th August 2019. It followed a launch of our first Rough Draft in February 2019 at a Parish Meeting attended by over 130 villagers, and a 6 week consultation period which closed in early April. We reviewed the plan following the consultation and made changes as a result of your input.
The Regulation 14 Plan, and supporting documents were posted on our website, and promoted via the Parish Magazine and Parish Noticeboards, an email to our subscribers, and in the Community Shop.
The statutory consultation Explore Our Flavorful Cake Vape Flavors – Cake Bar Vape for Sale period is 6 weeks, and consultation was due to close on 11th October. We extended the consultation until 31st October 2019 as the production of hard copies of the Plan was delayed. Hard copies of the Plan itself were made available in the Parish Office and via the Shop, and copies of the supporting documents were available for parishioners.
Here you can find and download bv richard mille rm069 unknown rm069 001 men black dial all the material we published for reference. This is the Plan itself:
Benenden Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 14 consultation
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time and effort to read the Plan and supporting documents and who has provided feedback. The Neighbourhood Plan team, alongside members of the Parish Council, review all the input from villagers, statutory bodies, and other stakeholders and make adjustments to the Plan as appropriate. An outline plan for the next stages, which will include further consultation, will be published shortly.
These are the supporting documents for this Regulation 14 Plan:
Landscape & Green Environment (LEA):
- LEA1 SWOT Landscape & Environment
- LEA2 Local Character Assessments
- LEA3 Wildlife Summary
- LEA4 Local Wildlife Sites & SSSI
- LEA5 List of Local Green Spaces i
- LEA6 List of Landscape & Environment Source Documents
- LEA7 List of Views
- LEA8 Assessments of Views
- LEA9 Assessment of Local Green Spaces
- LEA10 Local Wildlife Maps & Citations
- LEA11 High Weald AONB Landscape Character Maps
Housing Supply & Allocation (HSA):
- HSA1 Process & Background Information
- HSA2 SWOT Housing Supply & Design
- HSA3 Individual Site Assessments
- HSA4 High Weald AONB Site Assessments
- HSA5 List of Sites Submitted in ‘Call for Sites’
Housing Design (HD):
- HDA1 Design Survey Documentation
- HDA2 Conservation Areas Appraisal 2018
- HDA3 – Area Character Assessment
- HDA4 – Summary of Local Housing Materials
- HDA5 – Local House Styles by Character Area
Business & Local Economy (BEA):
- BEA1 SWOT Analysis Business & Local Economy
- BEA2 Employee Survey (Local Businesses)
- BEA3 Local Businesses Survey
- BEA4 – Benenden’s Community Shop Article
Transport & Infrastructure (TA):
- AECOM Strategic Environmental Assessment
- IA1 Rough Draft Consultation Responses
- Benenden Parish Plan 2015
Feedback was directed to a dedicated email address (now closed), or to the Community Office, and we provided a suggested template:
Suggested Reg 14 feedback template
The closing date for feedback was extended to 31 October 2019. It is now passed.
We still have a limited number of hard-copy versions of the Reg 14 Plan which you can borrow for reference from the Parish Office.
Consultation is now closed. If you have any general comments or queries our contact details are shown on the home page. You can also sign-up to our email list for updates on the Plan.