Housing Supply: Sept 2018

The Housing Supply Group have made an assessment of each of the proposed sites. These assessments are based on National guidelines, and made in accordance with National and Borough planning policies.  We used TWBC senior planners to train our local volunteers to ensure consistency.  As a result of this work and other strategic meetings we were successful in influencing TWBC:
  • The overall Parish numbers have reduced from 218 to around 100 properties (note both numbers exclude existing planning permissions) over 15 years. This aligns well with the 2015 Parish Plan;
  • Our early site assessment sift (using TWBC criteria) identified 9 suitable sites for development within the Parish;
  • Two sites failed the sift as they were too small to qualify as ‘NDP planned development’, however TWBC have agreed they could be included to assist with the expressed Parish desire for dispersed development;
  • At this stage (August / September 2018) we have 11 potential sites of varying sizes, however as new sites are offered we must continue to assess them.

TWBC / National Planning Policy Framework parameters for any site to be considered are: available, sustainable (near amenities/transport) and deliverable.  We have rejected sites that are rural (remote from amenities & transport) as unsustainable.  Not all potential sites may be best suited for housing eg Turks Yard which provides valuable light industrial space.  Sites which make a greater impact on the AONB/Conservation Areas (which have statutory protection) are also less likely to chosen.
Here is the link to TWBC latest interactive map showing the potential Sites.