The Independent Examiner has been appointed and is now reviewing our Neighbourhood Plan, see here for more background.
The Examiner has decided to hold a public hearing; here are the details.
Benenden Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2036
Notice of the holding of a Public Hearing
I have been appointed by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council with the agreement of Benenden Parish Council as the Independent Examiner to examine the above neighbourhood plan.
I have decided to call a hearing to examine a number of issues relating to the Benenden Neighbourhood Development Plan and particularly the proposals relating to East End. The issues are set out in the document entitled Further Comments of the Independent Examiner dated 31st May which is available to view at
The hearing will take place via video conferencing and will take place on Friday 25th June 2021 starting at 9.30am. Only the parties who have been invited to participate will be able to take part but the proceeding will be available to the public to view online. Any members of the public who wish to view proceedings can do so by logging into via the Borough Council’s Webcast portal at
1. Introductory Remarks of the Examiner
2. Opening Statement by Benenden Parish Council
3. Discussions based on the six questions set out in the above Further Comments document
4. Concluding remarks of the Examiner
John Slater BA(Hons), DMS, MRTPI
John Slater Planning Ltd
Independent Examiner to the Benenden Neighbourhood Plan